Saturday 19 October 2013

She gives me so much pain..

Hahahahahah while writing this post I'm laughing like crazy.

No I'm not crazy.

Let me tell you what happened. 

So today we went to get immunization jab for my lil' brother Syamir. He's a bit lot sensitive when it comes to things with needles. So we didn't tell him anything and just went to see the doctor. Inside the doctors room, he observant as he is noticed the nurse starting to prep the immunization stuff. We started by telling the doc about the dry skin at the corner of his mouth. You know harmless stuff. 

Just then the doc asked him to roll up his sleeves and proceed to clean the part with alcohol swab. Which triggers it. He started wailing. Dramatically. We made him lie on the bed and try to soothe him but in vain. 

Then we had to hold him. One person holding his head and shoulder, the other his body and arms, and me his legs. While holding him, I pray silently to Allah let it be quick and painless.. And tadaaa it's done. 

He stopped crying and we thought that was that. So while we were in the car on the way home, we were listening to BTOB's Insane. Then suddenly, Syamir sings along loudly, 

'She make me go insane,
She gives me so much pain,
I won't be back again!'

Yea! She gave me a lot of pain! Huh!

Hahahaha sumpah lawak. The mood was lifted immediately. And now my baby brother is vaccinated and will continue be healthy. Yeahhh!

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