Saturday 19 October 2013

Finally Clinical Year!

Guys I'm finally in the clinical.

Why did I used the word finally? Here let me tell you a lil bit bout my journey so far. After SPM, I got offered from JayPeeEh (misspell just for the sake it's not google-able) I learn a new trick from blog reading I've been doing past two-three weeks. Anywho, they offered me scholarship to continue my studies into Medicine in Indonesia. So I did my A-level in KayTeeTee, somewhere in Sepang for a whole year. Unfortunately, down the road, Indonesia had some kind of trouble, accreditation issues, earthquake issues, I don't wanna dwell on it. 

Then when placement time came, they were short-listing the students to enter to the top universities and some of us were thrown back to the lesser universities where we had to study in their mother tongue. After some quiries here and there, me n my parents decided we didn't want to go ahead with their plan and wanted to shift to Egypt. I got the placement and everything but then they didn't want to divert my scholarship to Egypt despite it being cheaper than the one they're offering. 

So I had the 'it's now or never' moment. I went to Egypt without any scholarship and it was a big burden to my parents. Medic. Everyone knows how expensive it is. T_T thank you ma, pa. Then in my second year I was offered Mara loan. I was ecstatic. Yeay! Lessen le parents burden. But little did I know what the Egyptians were planning. 

Riot! Riot everywhere. I'll tell you the riot story in some other post some other day. We came back - both me and my sister in the second year. We came back, then started looking for place to continue studying in Malaysia. Then I found YemYesYu. I got YemYemCee and KayPeeTee approval and they told me I could continue into the second year which means I won't lose any year and I was contented. Not exactly happy. I was a bit reluctant to come back because I'm comfortable with the Egyptian system and everything no matter how screwed up it is. Friends. I gain some trustworthy friends there. 

However my sister got accepted only in India, that also have to repeat from 1st year. We went back to Egypt, brought back all our stuffs and ready to enrol when suddenly YemYesYu turn back and said "No, you have to start all over again because we want to milk money from you." Okay okay they didn't exactly said like that but it what it sounded like! Huh. Heartbroken I started my classes all over again. I was depressed. Honestly. Hey, medic is ain't easy peasy thing, you know? 

I know I know, along the line I realized everything that had happened has a reason. I'm grateful now but back then it was like my world turn grey. The only good thing was, I am finally with my family after being away ever since I was 13. (Hostel, college and stuff) 

Back to my story, so I started all over again. From first year. With people younger by two, three years younger than me. First year. Done. Second year. Done. Finally third year! 

There you go. Why I used the word finally. 

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