Sunday 6 April 2014

Gossip Girl

Gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan's elite


I know I'm late by errrr two years.

But I just had the time to finish the series.

And I just love it!

Things I love : 

1) Blair Waldorf

- her quick, witty mind
- her sense of style
- her discipline
- her loyalty
- her talent in scheming 

2) Chuck Bass

- normal case of "bad boy turns good"
- his loyalty to Blair
- the way he picked himself up when he thought he had no family, the way he build his empire
- he changed my point of view in mens in suits (they can look good in colored suit as well)

3) Chlair/Bluck : Chuck and Blair combo

- how can you not love these two evil minds joined together
- and the best part is, they became the center of the show in season 4&5
- the fact that they ended up together

4) Serena Van Der Woodsen

- she's kind
- she lets the outsider in
- she's kind
- she just have this nice girl vibe
- her pretty smile

5) Pretty, bright colors everywhere

- their sense of dressing made me on to shop in New York
- I love how they mix and match everything, their high heels, makes me want to be a girls girl sometimes

Things I don't like :

1) Everybody hooks up with everybody

- okay with the exception of Chuck and Blair
- but Blair did hooks up with Dan for a short while
- and Chuck did sleeps with half of Manhattan
- Serena, Nate..... Okay everyone did everyone

2) Nate falls for someone too easily

- like seriously easily
- pretty girl passes by, "Hey, I like you"

3) Serena always choosing the wrong guys

- they did get it right
- after Dan, Serena never got it right
- in fact, remember when she went off to Paris and slept with just anyone?

4) Don't these people check for facts before getting mad at each other and stab their back?

- people! You heard something, check it out if it's for real or not
- back stabbed your friends and then had an argument, and say "I thought...."

The things I didn't expect :

1) the fact that Dan is Gossip Girl

- like woaaaaahh! I totally didn't see that coming.. Sneaky!
- or really? When you think again, it totally made sense

2) the fact that the baby Blair carried was the Prince's, not Chuck's

- I really wanted the baby to be Chuck's

- but thank the writers for making that up with the son they have later on

3) the fact that Blair was with Dan for a while

- why did the writers have to write it like this?
- that was a very weird phase 
- even Blair looked plain and toned down
- right when Blair turned to Chuck, she immediately looked like her stunning self again

4) Chuck and Blair's impromptu wedding

- it was very minimal, non-eloborated
- but the timing was perfect, though I was a bit regret it was tooooo simple
- how in the world Eleanor managed to make a stunning wedding dress in blink of an eye, is beyond me.

5) the fact that Dan and Serena did end up together

- it was very far-fetch
- and it seemed toooo simple once the writers made up their minds

But all in all, the casts are beautiful, even though I have complains of how the stories goes, but I have nothing but love for the show.

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