Sunday 6 April 2014

Gossip Girl

Gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan's elite


I know I'm late by errrr two years.

But I just had the time to finish the series.

And I just love it!

Things I love : 

1) Blair Waldorf

- her quick, witty mind
- her sense of style
- her discipline
- her loyalty
- her talent in scheming 

2) Chuck Bass

- normal case of "bad boy turns good"
- his loyalty to Blair
- the way he picked himself up when he thought he had no family, the way he build his empire
- he changed my point of view in mens in suits (they can look good in colored suit as well)

3) Chlair/Bluck : Chuck and Blair combo

- how can you not love these two evil minds joined together
- and the best part is, they became the center of the show in season 4&5
- the fact that they ended up together

4) Serena Van Der Woodsen

- she's kind
- she lets the outsider in
- she's kind
- she just have this nice girl vibe
- her pretty smile

5) Pretty, bright colors everywhere

- their sense of dressing made me on to shop in New York
- I love how they mix and match everything, their high heels, makes me want to be a girls girl sometimes

Things I don't like :

1) Everybody hooks up with everybody

- okay with the exception of Chuck and Blair
- but Blair did hooks up with Dan for a short while
- and Chuck did sleeps with half of Manhattan
- Serena, Nate..... Okay everyone did everyone

2) Nate falls for someone too easily

- like seriously easily
- pretty girl passes by, "Hey, I like you"

3) Serena always choosing the wrong guys

- they did get it right
- after Dan, Serena never got it right
- in fact, remember when she went off to Paris and slept with just anyone?

4) Don't these people check for facts before getting mad at each other and stab their back?

- people! You heard something, check it out if it's for real or not
- back stabbed your friends and then had an argument, and say "I thought...."

The things I didn't expect :

1) the fact that Dan is Gossip Girl

- like woaaaaahh! I totally didn't see that coming.. Sneaky!
- or really? When you think again, it totally made sense

2) the fact that the baby Blair carried was the Prince's, not Chuck's

- I really wanted the baby to be Chuck's

- but thank the writers for making that up with the son they have later on

3) the fact that Blair was with Dan for a while

- why did the writers have to write it like this?
- that was a very weird phase 
- even Blair looked plain and toned down
- right when Blair turned to Chuck, she immediately looked like her stunning self again

4) Chuck and Blair's impromptu wedding

- it was very minimal, non-eloborated
- but the timing was perfect, though I was a bit regret it was tooooo simple
- how in the world Eleanor managed to make a stunning wedding dress in blink of an eye, is beyond me.

5) the fact that Dan and Serena did end up together

- it was very far-fetch
- and it seemed toooo simple once the writers made up their minds

But all in all, the casts are beautiful, even though I have complains of how the stories goes, but I have nothing but love for the show.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

How I Met Your Mother Finale. Who else is with me?

For the past 2 months, I was so busy, I haven't had the time to even lift a muscle. Hahahah.
Okay that's a joke.

I've been busy, and in few months I hope to share the splendid news with all of you.

So, in spite of the business, I managed to sneak in some time to watch the final episode of HIMYM.

The first four minutes got me all teared up, especially when the gangs hug it out on the hotel porch.

The last 9th season had been beautiful, I was truly convinced that Robin and Barney deserved to be happy and together, and much like every body else, Barney deserves his happy ever after ending. Unfortunately, the writers thought different. 

Okay I get it, they want him to change because of the presence of a daughter in his life, but why should they break both him and Robin up, just to have him knocked up some un-name woman, or as they called her No. 31, in a-perfect month challenge? It's like let's make him fall into the darkest pit and then give him a light again. I thought Robin was the light he searched for. They deserved each other so well. 

And after the break up, Robin fell out of the group, and Barney doesn't feel a thing? So disappointing in so many level.

Not to mention Ted. After getting his fairy tale, after a long wait, they decided to end things with. "So you want to see how we feel about you and Aunt Robin getting together?" from the children? 
Ted Mosby is the one character I can relate to, (okay I know I don't have cool friends like Lilypad and Marshmallow, legen-waitforit-dary Barney Stinson, or the ever beauty Robin Sparkles), I meant the part of knowing, somehow, somewhere,I know my right one is waiting for the day we meet, just as much as I am right now. The trust, the wait, The not-giving up, I totally can relate.

I mean, just how sweet that catching up history session between Ted and Tracy at the railway station under the yellow umbrella? It just makes you go awwwwwwww. The mother's smile at the end when they realized "“Funny how sometimes you just…find things," says Tracy. Heart melting. The mother indeed have a very beautiful smile.

Just to have him, meet her, dated her, knocked her up months before they getting married, decided to postpone the marriage, 7 years and 2 kids later, did get married, only to have the mother, or as sweet as her name is, Tracy McConnel, died in some kind of disease 4 years later. How unfair is the world? Should I give up on my fairy tale right about now? 

Don't give me the *bittersweet* of life speech. If I want to stay in reality I wouldn't watch the tv or movies in the first place.

And all season of 9th, the whole gang stressed about how they'll break up, with two moving to Italy, and one moving to Chicago, only to have the next day, Ted sitting in the bar saying, "So yeahh, that's not gonna happen," Isn't life too simple? Haha okay the scene was slightly funny, so I let it pass.

What I can't let pass is how painful for Ted to let go of Robin, when he got hurt so badly, just to have him ended up with her again after 20 years or so. Is that's the writer term of destiny? Me is not happy.

The only good things that went on the track was Lily and Marshall, continuing to grow their family and Marshall finally gets to be a judge and later on, a senator.

While some may be satisfied with the ending, I'm not on board with this one. It ruins my believe in happy ever after ending. I didn't want to do this comparing both because both were great in their own ways, but I was more happy when Friends ended years ago. 

Now, I'm just all confused with HIMYM ending. 

Wait, does this mean Lily have to pay back to Marshall the 20 bucks he gave her during Ted and Tracy's wedding just because Ted finally did ends up with Robin?

The opening music is always going to haunt me for years.

Aren't they gonna tell us with what actually happened with the Pineapple Incident?

End if another series favorite.

All in all it was a good show that helped me laugh in my sad days.

Till the next hit series.

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