Monday 21 October 2013


Hi guys. Before you get all excited, no this post is not about Bi Rain, the popular Kpop legend. Instead I wanna share about my love for the falling water from the sky. Haha.

Anyway, I'm just curious, how do you guys perceive rain?

Annoyed? - "Oh no not rain again"
Neutral? - "Rain again? Mehhh let's just stay in today"
Ecstatic - "Rain?? Hoorraaayyy!" *proceeds to disappear and can only be found in the middle of the rain*

Well if you're in the third group, we're in the same wavelength buddy! I simply love the rain, the smell after the rain... *Sigh*

When I was in Egypt, I had a longing for rain so badly..

That one winter night, it actually rained. I couldn't quite describe the feeling but it was magical. I texted my sister who was in Cairo, because it was too early in the morning in Malaysia to bother my mom with the most important question of all time.

'Can I go out to play in the rain?'

She replied, 'If you must,'

I had a blast. The road in front of our building is facing another building so it's quite a small road.
No sign of people around. My friend and I got out by walking slowly to check the coast, and started dancing in the rain. 

Have I said it was magical? 

Our two housemates were shaking their heads at us being silly but it was what I missed the most. 

Even though if it was just for a good 10 minutes.

Then on my birthday, it rains again. Winter = rains. But this time it was raining stones. Literally. Well not literally. It was raining ice. It had a different effect. Not as romantic as the water rain. Haha. 

When it rains, you can find me standing close to the rain, my hands outstretched feeling the raindrops on my fingers. *happy* 

gif landscape rain nature nature gif rain gif landscape gif

Let's list down some songs that has rain in it, shall we?

1) It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls

Hahaha you guys just have to watch the MV it's awesome! Hihihi..

2) Teardrops in the Rain - CN Blue

I gotta put in this one.. One of my favourite of theirs.. Sorrow but beautiful..

3) Let it rain - Anthony Evans

I don't know, but this songs just kinda give me hope.. Does it do that to you?

4) Purple Rain - Prince

I never heard of this one till I googled it.. And I don't find anything charming about rain being purple in color.. Anyone gets it?

5) A Year Without Rain - Selena Gomez

One of the new songs i love to ballad to sometimes.. 

6) Rain - Beatles

Can you guys believe how big these guys were back in the days.. I bet bigger than 1D.. 

7) November Rain - Gun N' Roses

It's a heavy one this one. The MV, the lyrics, the meanings.. Go and google it.. 

8) Only You - Cee Lo Green

Now this is the only song that doesn't have rain in the title but I happened to listen to this song today while driving and I love this part 'Only you can make me smile in the pouring rain' or something like that.. Luls..

Anyway, I'm sure there are tones of 'Rain' songs I forgot to include, but right now these re what I find when I googled and came across my mind.. Will be update if I happen t remember any later..

Next time I'll write about the movie scene in the rain that I love.. Hehehe *naughty laugh* 

Now I wish it rains in this middle of the night..

Saturday 19 October 2013

She gives me so much pain..

Hahahahahah while writing this post I'm laughing like crazy.

No I'm not crazy.

Let me tell you what happened. 

So today we went to get immunization jab for my lil' brother Syamir. He's a bit lot sensitive when it comes to things with needles. So we didn't tell him anything and just went to see the doctor. Inside the doctors room, he observant as he is noticed the nurse starting to prep the immunization stuff. We started by telling the doc about the dry skin at the corner of his mouth. You know harmless stuff. 

Just then the doc asked him to roll up his sleeves and proceed to clean the part with alcohol swab. Which triggers it. He started wailing. Dramatically. We made him lie on the bed and try to soothe him but in vain. 

Then we had to hold him. One person holding his head and shoulder, the other his body and arms, and me his legs. While holding him, I pray silently to Allah let it be quick and painless.. And tadaaa it's done. 

He stopped crying and we thought that was that. So while we were in the car on the way home, we were listening to BTOB's Insane. Then suddenly, Syamir sings along loudly, 

'She make me go insane,
She gives me so much pain,
I won't be back again!'

Yea! She gave me a lot of pain! Huh!

Hahahaha sumpah lawak. The mood was lifted immediately. And now my baby brother is vaccinated and will continue be healthy. Yeahhh!

Finally Clinical Year!

Guys I'm finally in the clinical.

Why did I used the word finally? Here let me tell you a lil bit bout my journey so far. After SPM, I got offered from JayPeeEh (misspell just for the sake it's not google-able) I learn a new trick from blog reading I've been doing past two-three weeks. Anywho, they offered me scholarship to continue my studies into Medicine in Indonesia. So I did my A-level in KayTeeTee, somewhere in Sepang for a whole year. Unfortunately, down the road, Indonesia had some kind of trouble, accreditation issues, earthquake issues, I don't wanna dwell on it. 

Then when placement time came, they were short-listing the students to enter to the top universities and some of us were thrown back to the lesser universities where we had to study in their mother tongue. After some quiries here and there, me n my parents decided we didn't want to go ahead with their plan and wanted to shift to Egypt. I got the placement and everything but then they didn't want to divert my scholarship to Egypt despite it being cheaper than the one they're offering. 

So I had the 'it's now or never' moment. I went to Egypt without any scholarship and it was a big burden to my parents. Medic. Everyone knows how expensive it is. T_T thank you ma, pa. Then in my second year I was offered Mara loan. I was ecstatic. Yeay! Lessen le parents burden. But little did I know what the Egyptians were planning. 

Riot! Riot everywhere. I'll tell you the riot story in some other post some other day. We came back - both me and my sister in the second year. We came back, then started looking for place to continue studying in Malaysia. Then I found YemYesYu. I got YemYemCee and KayPeeTee approval and they told me I could continue into the second year which means I won't lose any year and I was contented. Not exactly happy. I was a bit reluctant to come back because I'm comfortable with the Egyptian system and everything no matter how screwed up it is. Friends. I gain some trustworthy friends there. 

However my sister got accepted only in India, that also have to repeat from 1st year. We went back to Egypt, brought back all our stuffs and ready to enrol when suddenly YemYesYu turn back and said "No, you have to start all over again because we want to milk money from you." Okay okay they didn't exactly said like that but it what it sounded like! Huh. Heartbroken I started my classes all over again. I was depressed. Honestly. Hey, medic is ain't easy peasy thing, you know? 

I know I know, along the line I realized everything that had happened has a reason. I'm grateful now but back then it was like my world turn grey. The only good thing was, I am finally with my family after being away ever since I was 13. (Hostel, college and stuff) 

Back to my story, so I started all over again. From first year. With people younger by two, three years younger than me. First year. Done. Second year. Done. Finally third year! 

There you go. Why I used the word finally. 

Monday 7 October 2013

Top 5 Arranged Marriage movies I can't get enough of! Plus Raja Rani reviews.

Last weekend I went to the movies with my family. We decided to watch Raja Rani which stars Arya hottie hunk and Nayanthara hottie chick. God bless my eyes because I just can't get enough of Arya in the movie. And if I'm not mistaken it's Nayanthara first movie after her break up with Prabhu Deva.

The movie was good. Got me laughing from the first scene itself. The casts are a feast to the eyes and I got to admit I'm loving this version of Sathyaraj. For the first time to me, he's acting his age and tone down his acting. None of the high-pitch voice. It seems more genuine. 

*Beware Spoilers* You could scroll down and skip it. 

The scene started with Arya's friend going havoc trying to find him, thinking he went escape from the wedding where else he just went out for a puff. Then the scene the bride is getting ready, as gorgeous as ever, Nayanthara was stunning, as usual. Her wedding gown is something that materialize from my dream, well sort of, but she looks absolutely amazing in it. 

They proceed to stand in front of the minister who is conducting the wedding. John (Arya) says his vows with all the write words and everything. And then the girl seems unsure as ever, says the wrong name! Dun dun! Her father collapse clutching his heart, having us to think the wedding is gonna stop or something, but it went on. You fool me there Mr Director. They got married but with the most disgust and annoyed face ever. 

Their first night was nothing less than horror where Regina (Nayanthara) cried herself to sleep while John having a festive watching the tv. First few days (what it seems like) they never talked to each other, just ignoring the other's presence, going to work on their own, while at night she cried and he drink himself to oblivion and get back home and torture her life. 

She even asked for a transfer for her job and her husband was unaffected when he overheard her conversation. Then the movie started to take a route when she while crying herself to sleep again suffers a stroke. When the doctor asked him about her details, he couldn't tell any because he was too drunk/don't really care about her too know them. After that, he starts taking care of her bit by bit (after being scolded by the doctor) when she told him her story life. 

She fell in love with an innocent man Jai (Surya) after series of funny incident. They went out. Eventually exchanged rings at church (unofficially married). His father was against it while her father was all up for it. They were suppose to get married at the registrar office when he left her unnotified while she waited at the registrar whole day. Then her father suffers heart attack and when he's admitted she found out Surya committed suicide and got her first stroke attack. 3 years later her father asked her to get married and that's her story.

He cried which I thought was unnecessarily after her 'touching' story. Then he fell in love with her. Started taking care of her until she got fed up which led her to scream at him in front of 'erbody in the hospital. Then he got drunk and his friend Santhanam Sarathy reveals John's past. 

John fell in love with a girl Nazriya Nazmi (Kerthaana) while collecting a cheque. He kept on bugging the girl for the cheque whereas actually he was only trying to tackle her. Turns out she also was into him as she got the cheque a week earlier but didn't gave it to him just to so that he'll bug her. Weird I know but what a girl in love would do for a guy. Anyway soon they got together and he tied thali on her in kuil (again unofficially married). It was all sad and sob because she was an orphan who didn't have anyone and waited all her life for someone to be by her side. Then they were out on a happy outing when suddenly she got hit by a car while crossing a road. She died in front of him tragically. 4 years later, unbeknownst to his parent that he got married once and his wife died, they sought him out to get married. 

So eventually that's how Regina and John got married. When she heard his story, she had a change of heart. She starts warming up to him but didn't show too much. One fine day, she wakes him up lovingly when he thought she had a change of heart. Turns out it's just because her father was around. So it was all an act. It was his birthday and everyone gathered for him. She gave him a gift asking him not to open in front of everyone. Out of emotion he threw the presents while he's in his room but his father in law saw it and started wondering if they're happy together.

Following day, she got the transferr to Aussie but is confused whether to go or not. That night, Regina bought a beer for John which supposedly showing a sign of affection or that she wants something (it's a thing between her and her father) but he misunderstood because he saw her ticket and he thought she was about to ask for a divorce. He got emotional again. 

Which leads her actually wants to leave. Once at the airport both reluctant to separate but both stupid enough not telling their feelings. Then suddenly she saw Surya who acted like he didn't know her. She told him and he was suppose to act all noble and bring them together. Turns out she didn't want to go back to him and even Surya forgotten her already. Which is false because he walked away looking sorrowly at his ring she gave him. Then she got fed up and ended up opening her heart to him and he chase her and live happily ever after.

*End Spoiler*

I love the concept and everything but I just hate it how they left things hang about Surya's departure all the sudden. It's like 'Okay we did all the mushy things now let's just get this over with as quick as we can'. Come on. Give us some explanation. 

Nazriya Nazim was awesome. She's pretty not too over sexy, still have the classic Indian look. I loved her in her first movie Neram even tough she didn't have much screen time in it it left an impact to make me remember her. And this time she was all cute and bubbly and makes one just wanna hug her, pat her on her hair. Her acting was superb unlike Tamanna in her first few movie where she was so awkward. I could see her go far. Maybe one day act alongside Surya or Vijay. It is said once you act with either one you're up there already. It is written somewhere in Kollywood must-do somewhere. Hehe. Joking. 

Okay back to our main topic.

Top 5 Arrange Marriage Movie I loved

1) Sillinu Oru Kadhal

- just because of Surya and Jyothika! 
- story line was awesome
- beautiful songs
- I could watch it over and over again

2) Vivaah

- this movie could made it to top if it wasn't for Surya in first place
- Shahid Kapoor at his best before he went into comedy
- just love the innocent love between them
- it was tragic but if it wasn't for his willingness to marry her even after the accident, the movie wouldn't be so awesome as it is

3) Just Married

- Fardeen Khan! I've said it once I'll said it again. I have a thing for bad boys
- smoldering eyes
- how they were trying to make it work slowly as friends instead of pushing each other away. I could relate. I mean how could you sleep with someone you just met.
- ending bit clichè but hey, it got them together.

4) Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam

- I was all Salman Khan fan during the time the movie came out and was immensely upset she end up with Ajay Devgan instead of Salman
- but once I grew up I realized Ajay deserve her so much better
- loving husband willing to sacrifice his happiness for the wife. Can't go wrong.

5) Hum Saath Saath Hain

- this is more of a family movie but could be included in the list since all the marriage is technically arranged by the parents
- love the devotion of Tabu to the husband with shaky hands
- Salman! Just adore him and Sonali
- this was when Saif still have the innocent look going on and together with Karisma just so cheeky

              I dunno why the pic seems like they're choking their wives but there you go

With all the fiction going on about how arranged marriage is a beautiful thing, I could resort to it. Although life is no fairy tale. I could end up with someone who pretends to be one person and is whole new person with their spouse. But then same goes to couples who were together for years before getting hitched but then separated because they shared everything before the marriage, there's nothing new to learn about your spouse after marriage. I guess both have their pros and cons. Anyway, our soulmate has been written for us. Sooner or later we'll find them. Let's just pray he's our prince charming we dreamed our whole life. 
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