Tuesday 26 August 2014

Difference between driving with Father and Mother

Hellooooo Malaysia,

Well now that Raya is already over, I'm sure everybody is eager to kill those weights off. But Raya comes once a year. It's good that you enjoyed yourself. Even though I didn't quite enjoy myself so much because two weeks after Raya, I had my medicine EOP, which I'm purposely not going to talk about it right now.  

Anyway, right now I'm in Singapore, with exams on the next Tuesday. Even though I was quite reluctant to go, but all the journey process was too easy, (my passport was due to expire in January, and you'll need to have at least six months in your passport, so I had to go and renew my passport at 3pm, but somehow the task was easy I managed to get my passport in less than half an hour) make making me think that hey maybe it's meant to be, right? Maybe I'm supposed to be taking this trip. 

Anyway, if challenges doesn't presents itself, how is one able to strive better right?

So, on the way down, I switched with my father, offering to drive down, because he kept on yawning while driving. Two minutes after I took over, the rain started pouring, and I meant really heavily pouring. Till the extent I had to use the maximum viper power. I could barely see the road, I was at the brink of giving up, but the rest stop was 70km away, and I couldn't possibly stop by the roadside. With the heavy rain, anything could happen by stopping. So I pushed on, drive on even though slowly, but surely. 10 minutes later, we passed the heavy rain. 

And then I had an epiphany.

That's it, right. Whatever happens in I've, it will passes away. The good, the bad, the worst, it'll passes. In that moment, the one thing we need to remember is to hold on. And don't give up. Believe that somewhere out there there's a brighter day, a day that could make you be thankful you didn't give up. So with the power of positive mind, I'm studying for my finals. Let's put aside all the problems, difficulties, past disappointment and focus on the future. And let's not be dependent on other people.

Independent women for the win! 

So, the difference between driving long distance with mom and dad.

Driving fast :
- Mom : Don't drive too fast! 
- Dad : *Silent*

Car in front braking :
- Mom : Can you see the car in front braking? Be alert!
- Dad : *waves hand to alert me the car is braking*

Driving slowly :
- Mom : You don't have to follow the person ahead. If you feel need to overtake, do so.
- Dad : Can you drive faster? I'm starving.

Raining : 
- Mom : Can you see clearly? Drive slowly. Look out!
- Dad : Can see or not? Look at those two lines, don't look at the car, he might be wrong. 

Parking : 
- Mom : *looking around restlessly, relieved after finish parking*
- Dad : *stares blankly ahead*

Overtaking :
- Mom : Just go ahead, if you wait they'll never give the chance.
- Dad : *stares blankly ahead* Cut here.

Both mom and dad makes me a better driver, so I wouldn't change it for the world. I love them and their quirks when I'm driving. Sometimes I just laugh while teasing them. I'm just thankful I can be at their service now that I'm able to drive. Lessen their burden.
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